A Proposal for Performance-Based Assessment of the Learning of Machine Learning Concepts and Practices in K-12

– Machine Learning is not well understood by many people despite its widespread use.
– A scoring rubric is proposed for performance-based assessment of ML concepts and practices in K-12.
– The rubric evaluates student-created artifacts as part of open-ended applications on the use stage of the Use-Modify-Create cycle.

Although Machine Learning (ML) is used already in our daily lives, few are familiar with the technology. This poses new challenges for students to understand ML, its potential, and limitations as well as to empower them to become creators of intelligent solutions. To effectively guide the learning of ML, this article proposes a scoring rubric for the performance-based assessment of the learning of concepts and practices regarding image classification with artificial neural networks in K-12. The assessment is based on the examination of student-created artifacts as a part of open-ended applications on the use stage of the Use-Modify-Create cycle. An initial evaluation of the scoring rubric through an expert panel demonstrates its internal consistency as well as its correctness and relevance. Providing a first step for the assessment of concepts on image recognition, the results may support the progress of learning ML by providing feedback to students and teachers.

Autor del artículo:

Gresse Von Wangenheim, Christiane; Da Cruz Alves, Nathalia; Rauber, Marcelo


Informatics in Education

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