Awareness Regarding the Implication of Artificial Intelligence in Science Education among Pre-Service Science Teachers

– The rapid technical progress of the current era has impacted all areas of life, including education.
– Artificial intelligence has been employed in education to improve efficiency and provide individualized feedback and support to students.
– The use of AI in education is a growing area of research and development, with potential to improve learning outcomes.

This study aimed to identify pre-service science teachers’ awareness of employing artificial intelligence in science education. It sought also to determine the reasons that led to this level of pre-service science teachers’ awareness of employing AI in science education. The mixed-method was used with an interpretive sequential design. The researcher prepared a measurement and distributed it to all forty-three pre-service science teachers. In terms of the qualitative method, interviews were conducted with a sample consisting of 15 female pre-service teachers. The quantitative study revealed pre-service science teachers’ awareness of employing AI in science education low level. The results of the qualitative interviews used to explain the results of the quantitative study. There are statistically significant differences, at a level of confidence of 0.01, between the hypothetical and actual means of the total score of pre-service science teachers’ awareness of employing AI in science education, as well as in the case of dimensions. The differences are in favor of the hypothetical mean.

Autor del artículo:

AlKanaan, Huda Muhammed Nasser


International Journal of Instruction

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