AI+Education Summit: Generative AI for Education

– Impacto de la IA en el ámbito de la educación
– Modelos específicos para el aprendizaje.
– Diversas opiniones de expertos en Stanford.

How will AI models that can generate text, images, audio, video and code change what students need to learn and the instructional processes that guide their learning? Do we need generative models designed specifically for educational purposes?

Dora Demszky: Assistant Professor of Education Data Science, Stanford University
Noah Goodman: Associate Professor of Psychology, of Computer Science and by courtesy of Linguistics, Stanford University
Percy Liang: Director, Center for Research on Foundation Models; Associate Professor of Computer Science, Stanford University
Rob Reich: Professor of Political Science; Faculty Director, McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society; Marc and Laura Andreessen Faculty Co-Director, Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society; Associate Director, Stanford HAI

The AI+Education Summit: AI in the Service of Teaching and Learning took place on Feb. 15, 2023.

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Stanford HAI


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